For years, a car owner’s choices for automotive fuel boiled down to just two types: gasoline and diesel. Now more than ever, car owners get to enjoy more economical and more environmentally friendly options. One of these options is Auto LPG, short for liquid petroleum gas.

As an alternative to gasoline fuel in cars, Auto LPG is made of natural gases like propane and butane. So how does it compare against the gasoline fuel that we’re used to? Let’s find out.


Hands down, LPG is the more cost-efficient fuel option than gasoline. How cost-efficient, you may ask? Why, it costs less than 50-percent less than gasoline or diesel. Not to mention, its price is stable, compared to the volatile value of fossil fuel. If the skyrocketing prices of fossil fuels are hurting your budget, then it’s time to start considering Auto LPG for your vehicle.

Benefits to the environment

According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is the number one health risk in the world, causing the illness and deaths of millions of people worldwide. On average, seventy-five percent of harmful air pollution comes from automobiles. It’s a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately, and one of the best ways to combat air pollution is by using more eco-friendly fossil fuel alternatives like Auto LPG.

According to studies, Auto LPG use has led to a 75-percent reduction in carbon monoxide and 40 percent less nitrogen oxide emissions for car owners who switched from gasoline engines. In former diesel car owners, switching to Auto LPG reduced their carbon monoxide emissions by 60-percent and nitrogen oxide by 60-percent. (source: Philippine Daily Inquirer) If you want to do your part and save the environment, then switching to Auto LPG is the best way you can do so.

Cost of ownership

Auto LPG doesn’t only come with lower spending on fuel, it also helps prolong the life of the engine, which leads to lower car maintenance expenses in the long run. Auto LPG burns cleaner than fossil fuel, thereby leaving little residue. It also ignites faster than gasoline, so you’ll have n pre-ignition or engine knocking issues to worry about. Experts estimate that Auto LPG use doubles the lifespan of the engine as opposed to using gasoline. According to a study, Auto LPG “increases engine life by about 50-percent, where cylinder bore wear is reduced; prolongs the exhaust life system as compared to gasoline.” (Source: Journal of Physics/IOP Publishing).

Want to make the switch to Auto LPG to enjoy the immense benefits mentioned here? Cleanfuel provides Auto LPG conversion services for your car. Our expert technicians can install high quality Auto LPG conversion kits from Tartarini, with warranty on both labor and products. Feel free to visit one of our stations to learn more about having your vehicle run on Auto LPG today.